SEQOHS sets quality and safety standards and provides accreditation for occupational health services. Section, B of the SEQOHS standard references Information Governance and the need to meet legal and regulatory guidance. It can be assumed that to meet this aspect of the standard it is important to be able to demonstrate compliance with the Data Protection Act. The following sections, background and definition are from the Royal College of Physicians SEQOHS website.


Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working-age population Working for a healthier tomorrow published in March 2008 advocated clear standards of practice and formal accreditation of all providers who support people of working age. The Government’s response to the review, improving health and work: changing lives, endorsed that recommendation.In response to this a broad stakeholder group led by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) developed standards and accreditation for occupational health services. The standards were launched as SEQOHS in 2010 and the FOM commissioned the Royal College of Physicians to develop and manage the accreditation scheme, which was launched in December 2010.Since the launch, the SEQOHS accreditation scheme has rapidly become an integral part of the occupational health service landscape, accepted in both the public and private sectors as the recognised industry standard.The SEQOHS standards were developed by professional groups and are hosted and maintained by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM). Accreditation is awarded by the Royal College of Physicians.SEQOHS accreditation provides independent and impartial recognition that the occupational health service provider has objectively demonstrated their competence, as defined by the SEQOHS standards, to a team of trained assessors.


SEQOHS stands for ‘Safe, Effective, Quality Occupational Health Service’ and is a professionally-led accreditation scheme. It is based on a set of standards for occupational health services in the UK and beyond.  Occupational health services must demonstrate they meet these standards before they can be awarded SEQOHS accreditation.To become accredited, services must demonstrate their adherence to the SEQOHS standards.

These are categorised into six domains:

A: Business probity
B: Information Governance
C: People
D: Facilities and Equipment
E: Relationships with Purchasers
F: Relationships with Workers

The SEQOHS standard can be found here.